Monday, March 30, 2020


In the midst of the Corona Virus outbreak in our country, schools have closed and teachers are providing remote instruction to their students. We are being told to take care of ourselves, to be well. I’m doing my best to stay physically and mentally healthy. I feel fortunate to have a job where I can work from home. My online instruction keeps me very busy during my normal working hours and the new technology I am learning to use is exciting and helpful. The many resources that are available online could—and sometimes do-- fill many, many hours. But, sitting behind a screen for too long is certainly not healthy for mind or body. At other times of the day, I have found lots to do to fill my time. In my quiet house, it’s always conducive to reading and writing! I have stacks of books at the ready and they are calling me! My mind is filled with lots of thoughts and ideas waiting to be written down. I’ve cleared out some room and set up an old table in my basement so that I can keep my messy paints and brushes handy. An old hobby I’ve recently revived, painting is very relaxing and rewarding for me. Whether it’s painting on paper, canvas, or wood, whether it’s painting a scene that is whimsical, realistic, or classic, I tend to become so focused on what I’m trying to accomplish, that the problems of the world are set aside temporarily.
When my eyes and hands have had enough inside work or play, I grab my hat and jacket and venture out to walk in the fresh air. I often listen to interesting podcasts or lively music to accompany me, as there are few, if any, other walkers or runners in the neighborhood now. If I happen to see a neighbor out for a stroll with the dog, we simply wave and continue on our separate ways. It feels strange, but we all understand the need to protect our fragile health. Self-care is important to our overall wellbeing. What are you doing for yours? Now, in these extraordinary times, it’s wise to heed the sage advice to ‘take care!

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