Tuesday, April 21, 2020

April "Vacation"

It's the Tuesday of school break, aka April "Vacation." Traditionally, many families travel to warmer places during this week off from school to visit family, friends and/or amusement parks. This year is different--very different--for most. There is no formal online teaching or learning for our students and teachers this week. Hopefully, we will all spend more time out in our yards and away from our screens. Travel to some places is restricted and it's too risky to be in large groups of people who may be sick and contagious. I can't imagine sitting on a crowded airplane right now. I have been spending most days alone in my house, feeling healthy and safe. I'm wondering how parents with school-age children at home are faring now. On the one hand, students do not have the structure of their online classes to tend to, while on the other hand, they have lots of free time to fill. They probably are not getting together with friends, cousins, or neighbors. Maybe those with pets are playing outside or going for walks in nearby woods or throughout their neighborhood. Maybe some are reading, writing or drawing just for fun. My husband and I had planned a trip to Sedona, Arizona this week, one of our favorite vacation destinations. It is a hiker's paradise--lots of trails to explore on those gorgeous red rocks, nearly perfect weather, and quaint shops and interesting historic places to visit. Oh, and did I mention the big swimming pool and hot tub where we like to relax after a busy day of hiking, shopping or sightseeing? My son is studying in Arizona, a few hours from Sedona, and we were planning a few brief visits with him. We wanted to meet his new friends, see his apartment, have dinner with him, and get a tour of his school, where he is spending lots of time and money. But, unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic and our Governor's stay at home orders, we will not be taking a vacation this year. Like most everyone else I know, I'll be staying home and getting things done around the house and yard, talking on the phone with friends and family, reading and writing, and doing my best to be stay healthy! Like most everyone else, I'm also thankful for each passing day, which means we are getting through this together and getting closer to, hopefully, our life as we once knew it.

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